Reverse Travel Journal # 3 – Day 3

Lucy was really stressed out last night when we went to bed because she couldn’t find you, she kept going to your side and whinging. It’s adorable but concerning how attached she is to you.

Today Tim, Suzi and the crew went to get drunk at Soundwave while lil’ ol’ Laraine stays home sewing.  Lucy & i for a long arse jog (in 30 degree heat) and were both pretty exhausted after that.


I picked your parentals up from the airport around lunch and we watched the Mariners game, which was ridiculously good. Then, back to work. My posts for the next 2 weeks are probably going to be just me sewing, Lucky you!


Thanks for the Skype date (big smile). Miss you heaps already.

Good luck on day 2  tomorrow.

14 days


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